Wednesday, 16 February 2022


19:00 – 21:00


Costerstraat 20



Panel discussion:
Crypto & The Future: Scam or Real Deal?

If you’re here and you haven’t heard of Cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin or trading, than this is your chance to not only learn more, but also the true value (or not) of these emerging topics.

For those who have been thinking about jumping into the ‘hype’, or wanting to learn more, there’s always that snippet of fear of what the topics really entail.
With this discussion we’re aiming to shed some light on those concerns. The fun part: It may go both ways.

Our panel consists of experts both pro and contra the hype. So what are you waiting for? Join us!

Our panelists!

Jean-Paul van Ewijk
Jean-Paul van Ewijk- Interim ICT manager at Finabank NV -
As Head of Technology at Finabank, Jean-Paul van Ewijk is responsible for developing and executing the bank’s digital strategy. With over 25 years of experience in both ICT and business, in the Netherlands and in Suriname, Jean-Paul has developed a no-nonsense view on innovation and new technology.
Kimberley Naarendorp
Kimberley Naarendorp- Cross-Border E-commerce Specialist -
Kimberley Naarendorp is an entrepreneur and technology enthusiast. She recently graduated and researched cross-border e-commerce as her thesis subject. Now, she is sharing the opportunities with everyone who is willing to grow and take the next step in their life.
Anthony Sporkslede
Anthony Sporkslede- Founder & CEO at Mercury Investments -
Founder, CEO and board member of two major Cryptocurrency companies in Suriname, namely Mercury Investments Consultancy NV and TAWAS Investing In Inhabitants.

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