Wednesday, 27 July 2022


20:00 – 22:00


Costerstraat 20



Fuckup Nights Paramaribo

We Live Life Without Filters

By Sharing Stories Of Failure

Stories Of Failure
Fuckup Nights Paramaribo is a local chapter of the global movement and event series that shares stories of professional failure. Each month, in events across the globe, we get three to four people to get up in front of a room full of strangers to share their own professional fuckup. The stories of the business that crashes and burns, the partnership deal that goes sour, the product that has to be recalled, we tell them all.

The fourth edition of Fuckup Nights Paramaribo at Young Professionals Cafe is here!

Why Do It?

  • We deeply believe in having the difficult conversations as a positive step towards well-being and a less ego-driven world.
  • One learns more from failure than from stories of success.
  • To celebrate trying instead of stigmatizing failure.
  • To live a life with less filters.
  • It’s FUN 🙂

Our speakers!

Ann Hermelijn
Ann Hermelijn- CEO at Anco Multi Services -
Photo credits: Hedwig de La Fuente
Ann Hermelijn gives hands and feet to great ideas.
Her passion to help people and organizations grow and develop their potential and hidden talents has led to her profession, which has evolved her into a leader in the Creative Industries and Event Management areas. Here, she often wears more than one hat, including that of a cultural entrepreneur, sociologist, event leader, independent producer of Arts and Culture programs, educator and trainer in Events Management.
As founder of Anco Multi Services she has been managing and directing her production and events company for more than 25 years and has led and managed mostly art, culture, education and tourism related projects in Suriname The Caribbean and The Netherlands. Some of her major projects in Suriname have been initiating and organizing Surifesta, Suriname Jazz Festival both initiatives that boosted tourism, supported creativity and provided happy memories to many. Ann Hermelijn is also co-creator of socially engaged educational theater, music and film productions for social change often in co-operation with international partners.
Ann Hermelijn passionately shares her knowledge and network with others. She is therefor involved in educational programs geared towards mentoring, coaching and educating entrepreneurs with creative dreams.
Henry Mac Donald
Henry Mac Donald- Former Ambassador at Mission of Suriname to the UN -
Henry was once an active bodybuilder and won several awards in this sport.
From 1989 to 1998, he worked for the Department of International Affairs and Human Rights at the Ministry of Justice and Police. Since obtaining his master’s degree in law from AdeKUS in 1994, he has also represented his country at numerous international conferences.
For many years, Henry was Deputy Ambassador to the Embassy in Washington D.C. for relations with both the United States (UN) and the OAS. He was recognized for his commitment to gender equality and women’s empowerment, which is the fifth of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
From August 2007, Mac Donald was Suriname’s permanent representative to the United Nations. In this capacity, he served as President-elect of the Third Committee on Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Affairs from September 2012.
Seshma Bissesar
Seshma Bissesar- Journalist -
Seshma Bissesar is a journalist, writer and tour operator.
She is also chairman of the “Stop Sexual Abuse Suriname” Foundation.
She started working in the media around the age of 18 and slowly but surely started to specialize in human rights. She especially prefers gender issues and children’s rights as a journalist. Because of the many injustices that she experiences every day, she also decided to seek refuge in the tourism sector. Traveling is her hobby and especially traveling through her country does her good. Touring on the water calms her down and gives her new energy in her journalistic/writing work.
As a woman, she also has a mission: to reduce sexual violence. As a child, she was born in an environment of domestic violence. She knew it wasn’t normal and talked about it openly in her circle of friends. By talking a lot she found out that her friends were going through the same thing and even worse. They were sexually abused and kept it secret as much as possible. When she was 20 years old, she decided to do something with the subject and so she set up her own foundation where, today, she contributes to awareness about sexual abuse.
Fayzal Abdoelrazak
Fayzal Abdoelrazak- Commercial Manager at the Surinaamse Brouwerij -
Fayzal Abdoelrazak immigrated to Suriname 11 years ago after a long career in IT at various multinationals in the Netherlands.
In 2012 he started as Head of IT and has transformed the brewery according to International Heineken Standards. He joined the board in 2014, first as Sales Director and from 2017 as Commercial Director.
Noteworthy are the takeover of Sranan Biri, the introduction of Parbo Radler and Parbo Sodawater. Recently taking over the distributorship of Diageo brands such as Johnny Walker and Smirnoff and soon local production from Heineken.

Check out the after movie from our first event!

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