Wednesday, 1 June 2022


19:00 – 21:00


Costerstraat 20



Panel Presentation:
The Future of Paramaribo

Suriname’s capital, Paramaribo, with all its splendor, is highly vulnerable to the devastating effects of climate change. A much-discussed example of this is the ever-rising sea level, which has made the coast susceptible to flooding and erosion. But we are also very concerned about the everlasting waste problem and the disappearance of greenery.

Awareness leads to much needed action. Sustainable action against environmental issues initially leads to sustainable results for the environment in general and specifically for Paramaribo. This results in safeguarding the economic opportunities already present, and creates new ones, which in turn brings about social sustainability.

Through this panel presentation, the future of Paramaribo and its present and future environmental challenges will be discussed from different points of view.

Professor Sieuwnath Naipal from ADEKUS will elaborate on the need for mangrove rehabilitation along the coast in an effort to mitigate the effects of the rising sea level.

Mr. Glenn Ramdjan will talk about the waste problem and its effect on both the environment and human health.

Ms. Davita Obergh will share with us the concept of urban green through a presentation about Tropenbos Suriname’s project “Naar een Groen en Leefbaarder Paramaribo”.

Our moderator

Matai Zamuël is a 17-year-old human rights activist who has been working with UNICEF Suriname for more than five years. The Children’s Rights to Quality Education and A Safe Living Environment have been focus points during the last lustrum with the United Nations.

In 2021 Matai represented Suriname during the Youth4Climate: Driving Ambition and Pre-COP26 conferences in Italy and COP26 itself.

He is also an SDG Voice and Council Member within the World Ocean Day Youth Advisory Council for the 2021-2022 term, making him the youngest Member ever and the first councilor from Suriname. Matai is also a member of YOUNGO, the youth body within the UNFCCC.

Matai often acts as a youth partner in projects and trajectories of NGOs and the Surinamese Government, as he is fully convinced that his generation is an integral part in solving the climate crises.

Matai Zamuel Young Professionals Discussions The Future of Paramaribo - Young Professionals Cafe
Matai Zamuël

Environment activist

Our panelists!

Sieuwnath Naipal
Sieuwnath Naipal- Geographer-Hydrologist / Initiator of mangrove rehabilitation in Suriname -
Sieuwnath Naipal is a geographer specialized in hydrology and in other water related fields. He has a good knowledge about the hydrology of the swamps, lagoons and wetlands in the coastal area, the rivers and to a certain extent that of the ocean, and is involved in the climate studies and impacts of climate change on the coast of Suriname.
Besides these, he is a full-time lecturer at the Anton de Kom University of Suriname in the subjects Fluid Mechanics, Hydrology, Coastal Zone Management, Climate Change, among others. Since 2009 he has held the Chair in Climate Change and Water at the University.
Davita Obergh
Davita Obergh- Environmental Management Professional / Project assistent Naar een Groen en Leefbaarder Paramaribo -
Davita Obergh was born on June 14, 1988.
She completed her career at Natin and graduated in 2010 in Forestry Production.
Her passion for nature started very early and therefore, she knew that she wanted to contribute to the preservation and protection of our beautiful nature.
In 2018 she was awarded the title of Bachelor of Environmental Management at the Anton de Kom University with her research: “Species Diversity and Abundance of Marine Fauna in the Intertidal Zone of the Coastal Area of ​​Coronie, A comparison between a mangrove area where a dyke has been constructed and an area where mangroves occur without a dyke”.
A complete turnaround to the marine world, but that does not alter the fact that she will continue to make her contribution in whatever form that is connected with nature.
Glenn Ramdjan
Glenn Ramdjan- Waste Disposal Specialist / Chair at Support Recycling Suriname Foundation -
Glenn Ramdjan, born October 28, 1963 and specialized in 2004 in waste processing and in particular recycling of various waste streams.
He helped to set up the Amazon Recycling Company and provided training.
He is also a project coordinator at Stg. Support Recycling Suriname and started a sustainable project in 2015 by placing collection bins for plastic bottles, plastic bags and aluminum cans with support from the business community and international organizations. The well-known Clean Up is the World Clean Up Day in September. Banning single-use plastic bags is also one of SuReSur’s spearheads.
Currently, Glenn Ramdjan is the chairman of Stg. SuReSur, but also supports the current project coordinator with the necessary work.

This project is a collaboration between Young Professionals Cafe and the Rotaract Club of F.R.E.S.H.

YPC Young Professionals Cafe logo
Rotaract Club F.R.E.S.H. logo

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